Search Results: be an ally (880)

[…] law that prohibits the adoption of Russian children by foreigners who live in countries that legally recognize marriage equality, including the United States Numerous other laws have been passed that impact LGBT Russians that restrict basic freedoms of assembly, speech, and the rights of groups to organize freely if they receive funding from outside […]

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[…] hierarchy often misrepresent the experiences of LGBT Catholics by focusing on anti-LGBT pundits, bishops, and activists. LGBT people hoped the Pope’s visit to the U.S. in Septem ber would be an opportunity for him to learn from the experiences of LGBT people by meeting with them. The Pope had an opportunity to hear stories […]

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ENGLISH-LANGUAGE Outstanding Film – Wide Release Film must be released by a recognized film distribution company, and play for paid admission in theaters for seven consecutive days.  “Wide Release” will be defined by a combination of number of screens played, budget, and visibility.  Receives Award:  Award is given to the film.  Producer, director, writer, and/or […]

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