Search Results: transgender (1770)

In honor of Transgender Awareness Week this past November, GLAAD centered transgender joy, rather than transgender suffering, in their #TransLoveStories social media campaign. Scrolling through Tweets, Instagram stories, and Facebook posts, I couldn’t hold back the enormous smile on my face. These #TransLoveStories included two parents sharing how proud they are of their transgender […]

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Multiple University student newspapers are responding to the pair of open letters written to The New York Times concerning its damaging and biased coverage of transgender people. The Pitt News at the University of Pittsburgh was first out of the gate with a piece on February 16, titled, “The New York Times’ coverage of transgender […]

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The first bill passed to ban evidence-based health care for transgender youth is now the first to be fully struck down in court.  On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge James Moody, Jr., struck down an Arkansas law that would have prohibited doctors from providing affirming care to transgender youth, or from referring people to any […]

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[…] freedoms. Extremist lawmakers have proposed bills targeting and spreading disinformation about essential mainstream health care, banning books and making our schools unsafe political battlefields. Political campaigns targeting transgender people and youth have repeatedly failed because they do not reflect the truth about trans people, nor do they improve anyone’s life. Reporters must challenge candidate […]

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[…] Scott. In advance of the debate, GLAAD and Equality Florida Action, Inc., the statewide civil rights organization dedicated to securing full equality for Florida’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community, sent a letter to moderators encouraging the inclusion of pressing LGBTQ issues in the debate. The letter outlined specific issues and questions […]

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On November 12 – 20, individuals and organizations around the county will participate in Transgender Awareness Week to help raise the visibility of transgender and gender non-conforming people, and address the issues these communities face. The final day of Transgender Awareness Week is the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), an annual observance on November […]

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[…] publicly as her authentic self. This style guide will help you create respectful, accurate stories while avoiding common mistakes and clichés. DO describe people who transition as transgender, and use transgender as an adjective. Lilly Wachowski is a transgender woman. DON’T use transgender as a noun. For example: “Lilly Wachowski is a transgender.” DON’T […]

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[…] GOP primary candidates ignored the rise in violence and hateful rhetoric aimed at the LGBTQ community and our allies. Several chose to continue making false claims about transgender people and their basic human rights to safety, health care and access to education. LGBTQ people and topics continue to be weaponized by politicians looking to […]

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