Search Results: transgender (1789)

[…] 84% of LGBTQ adults agree there are not enough protections on social media to prevent discrimination, harassment, or disinformation. 40% of all LGBTQ adults, and 49% of transgender and nonbinary people, do not feel welcomed and safe on social media. Additionally, the newly released 2022 ADL Online Hate and Harassment report found that 66% […]

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[…] festival-favorite independent films that still do not have domestic U.S. distribution. Among the list are six queer films! Asog incorporates both fictional and documentary elements as Filipino transgender comedian and activist Rey “Jaya” Aclao and his former student Arnel Pablo embark on a road trip to a drag competition. In their travels, they encounter […]

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[…] term “Queer Art,” you’ll find definitions reiterating the same phrases. Definitions simplifying queer art as “modern and contemporary visual art practices that draw on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and various non-heterosexual, non-cisgender imagery and issues.” But just like art in itself, queer art can hold so many more layers to it than just identity […]

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[…] for LGBTQ people, youth especially. This year alone has included the introduction of over 500 anti-LGBTQ bills, a disproportionate number of which target trans youth; growing misinformation against the transgender community; the death of 2STGNC+ Oklahoma teen student Nex Benedict; and an election year proven to be highly consequential for LGBTQ Americans. “Protect This Kid,” was created in […]

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[…] am ok with them not being at the show.” In 2022, right-wing media branded her as a “Lunatic country music person” for her unwavering support for the transgender community. In response she helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for LGBTQ charities, including GLAAD’s Transgender Representation program. They then talk about Morris’s decision to […]

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[…] 100 LGBTQ-inclusive films released in 2022, 55 (55 percent) included gay men, 45 (45 percent) included lesbians, 21 (21 percent) included bisexual+ characters, 12 (12 percent) included transgender characters, and 17 (17 percent) included queer characters that don’t fall specifically into those other labels. Of the 292 LGBTQ characters counted, 163 (56 percent) were […]

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[…] LGBTQ characters counted, 163 of them were men, 119 were women, and 10 were nonbinary. Seven of the women characters and six of the men characters were transgender.  This is an increase in the percentage of women, though parity has still not been reached. This marks a record high number of nonbinary characters found […]

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