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    Apple TV+

    Apple TV+


    Considering the quality, quantity, and diversity of films distributed under the Apple TV+ banner, GLAAD has given Apple TV+ a FAILING grade.

    It was highly disappointing to see only one film in Apple TV+’s slate that included LGBTQ characters, both of whom were featured for less than a minute. Apple TV+ has told many inclusive stories in their television programming, and needs to step up their film slates to match.

    Note: Films distributed by Apple TV+ do not share their theatrical release numbers publicly and the company declined to provide this information for this study. As such, these cannot be cited in this study.


    Since 2016, Apple Inc. has been producing and distributing original content. Apple launched its streaming service Apple TV+ in 2019, which offers a selection of original production film and television series called Apple Originals. Pivoting to incorporate a catalog of non-original films and television programs, Apple TV+ announced its first acquisition in 2020. Apple TV+’s previous LGBTQ-inclusive films include The Velvet Underground (2021), Palmer (2021), Come From Away (2021), and Causeway (2022).


    Widest Theatrical Release: Unknown

    Vito Russo Test: FAIL

    A science fiction romance, Fingernails takes place in a world where there is technology that can test if two people are truly in love using their fingernails. The protagonist Anna works at The Love Institute, a facility that provides this service. There is a brief scene where a gay couple is shown, as two men test their fingernails for romantic compatibility, and ultimately fail. They are in the film for under a minute. In a film all about romantic love, it is disappointing that the only queer people seen were insignificant and background players, and that they are not actually compatible.


    There are a handful of upcoming inclusive films in the works from Apple TV+. Fancy Dance, a drama from Apple TV+, was released in June of 2024, starring out actor Lily Gladstone as queer main character Jax, a Native American hustler who kidnaps her niece from white grandparents in order to keep her family intact. Other upcoming Apple TV+ projects that have the potential to be LGBTQ-inclusive include Echo Valley, which includes queer actress Fiona Shaw, and Outcome, which features gay actor Matt Bomer and trans actress Laverne Cox. GLAAD again calls upon Apple TV+ to include more LGBTQ characters in their original films moving forward, in order to accurately represent modern audiences and consumers.

    For the purposes of this study, GLAAD counted releases that were solely distributed by Apple TV+ either into theaters or directly onto their streaming platform.

    Summary of 2023 Findings


    Total films released in 2023 under studio and official imprints


    Total number of LGBTQ-inclusive films


    Percent of LGBTQ-inclusive films of studio total releases


    Number of films that pass the Vito Russo Test






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