Search Results: site (160)

[…] of skilled storytellers, especially when it comes to Black queer stories and talent.  Black LGBTQ+ independent filmmakers and films lined the program across a variety of on- site panels and screenings, showcasing and sharing powerful and varied renditions of our lived experiences. Below, we’ve shared a glimpse of some of this year’s festival programming […]

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[…] views and hypocritical leadership. Despite M4L’s early successes in Pennsylvania, last year’s school board elections resulted in significant setbacks for the group.  Bucks County, PA, was the site of two particularly high-profile losses. In November 2023, all M4L-aligned candidates were defeated in the well-funded, hotly contested races for open school boards seats in Central […]

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[…] who are transgender. Currently, Oprah oversees Harpo Productions, serves as Chairman and CEO of OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network, is the founder of O, TheOprah Magazine and digital site In 1996, Oprah’s Book Club launched, serving as a catalyst for the creation of book clubs around the world and millions of books sold across […]

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[…] Allowed single-sex homeless shelters to turn away transgender people Erased ​​any mention of the LGBTQ community from White House, Department of State, and Department of Labor web sites Rescinded Title IX protections for transgender students Appointed anti-LGBTQ Cabinet members including Secretary of Commerce Wilbur L. Ross, Jr.; Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos; Secretary of […]

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[…] way for a more inclusive and diverse artistic landscape and world—one that celebrates the complexities of identity and embraces the full spectrum of human experience. You can find M. Lamar and follow his work on his site and Instagram and X. Lee on his Instagram here! M. Lamar v X. Lee photographed by Simone Petracchi

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[…] than 25 powerful brands in the U.S. that inspire and entertain audiences across all media platforms. Hearst Magazines’ print and digital assets reach 150 million readers and site visitors each month — 57% of all millennials and 53% of all Gen Z adults over the age of 18 (Source: comScore/Simmons Multi-platform fusion 5-23/S23). The […]

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[…] than 25 powerful brands in the U.S. that inspire and entertain audiences across all media platforms. Hearst Magazines’ print and digital assets reach 150 million readers and site visitors each month — 57% of all millennials and 53% of all Gen Z adults over the age of 18 (Source: comScore/Simmons Multi-platform fusion 5-23/S23). The […]

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[…] y Mari Tere Lelo de Larrea (  Outstanding Online Journalism – Video or Multimedia This category includes videos or other multimedia stories exclusive to an online news site, and when it comes to groundbreaking online journalism, this year’s nominees feature original and exciting profiles of trailblazers, icons and everyday heroes across the globe. This […]

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