Search Results: site/%23VotingWhileTrans (163)

[…] to prevention norms are clear. The American Journal of Bioethics, 20(10), 47-49. HIV Stigma and Discrimination. (n.d.). 17. Johnson Case Fact Sheet 092117_0.pdf. (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2021, from sites/default/files/Johnson%20Case%20Fact%20Sheet%20092117_0.pdf Kaiser Family Foundation. (2009). 2009 Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS: Summary of Findings on the Domestic Epidemic . —Apr 30, P. & 2003. (2003, May 1). National Survey […]

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[…] gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBTQ) media advocacy organization, is responding to the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s statement of support for transgender student athletes, released today on the NCAA’s site. The NCAA Board of Governors stated that it “firmly and unequivocally supports the opportunity for transgender student-athletes to compete in college sports. This commitment is grounded […]

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[…] GLAAD also announces that The Colorado Healing Fund has been activated in response to the Club Q tragedy. The fund is an established, secure, single point donation site to support the survivors and families of this tragedy.  For more information or to make a donation, go to and click on the “Support Colorado […]

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[…] gathering of so-called “ex-gays” whose purpose was solely to encourage LGBTQ people nationwide to “leave the homosexual lifestyle.” But wait, there’s more! The organization also runs a micro site where they portray transgender people and being part of a “regressive cult” filled with damaging delusions.” To drive home their idea that this is all a dangerous fad, […]

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[…] when kids were sent home for wearing LGBTQ-supportive tees:     And now here is why it matters:  That’s right: the same team that sells pride merchandise on its site, is supposedly working to help LGBTQ people across the globe, and that gives lip service to being a friend to LGBTQ people is choosing to rally at […]

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[…] Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and Sen. Kamala Harris have spoken out. The revised recommendations were posted on the FDA site this morning. An email from the FDA today also stated: “Based on our evaluation of the totality of the scientific evidence available, we are revising the […]

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[…] on Congress to recognize the increased vulnerability of people living with HIV to COVID-19. Prior to the livestream, GLAAD will also launch a storytelling campaign on its site to spotlight LGBTQ people responding to COVID-19 and to remember community members lost in the pandemic. On April 15th, Centerlink released a letter signed by over […]

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