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    We are the world’s largest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) media advocacy organization. Our work increases media accountability and community engagement that ensures authentic LGBTQ stories are seen, heard, and actualized. Our findings have had a direct impact on inspiring positive LGBTQ cultural representation by nurturing understanding and holding social media platforms accountable for misinformation.

    Reports and Publications from GLAAD

    A resource for media professionals covering hate crimes against LGBT people – includes a terminology guide, links to legislative statistics, a coverage archive and more.

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    The media are covering the lives, stories, and issues of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people more frequently, and often in a more fair, accurate, and balanced manner. Repeatedly, however, Asian Pacific Islander Community LGBT voices, perspectives, and opinions are left out of the picture.

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    The media are covering the lives, stories, and issues of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people more frequently, and often in a more fair, accurate, and balanced manner. Repeatedly, however, black LGBT voices, perspectives, and opinions are left out of the picture.

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    Community organizations play a vital role in responding to sensational sweeps coverage with their own anti-defamation campaigns. With this Sweeps Weeks Toolkit, GLAAD encourages community members to contact stations that air sensational coverage about the LGBT community and tell them how such stories spread inaccurate or defamatory myths about us.

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    Following the reintroduction of the Uniting American Families Act (UAFA) in Congress on May 8, GLAAD calls on journalists to explore the real life consequences of discriminatory immigration policies on LGBT- and HIV-positive people and their families.

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    Transgender Day of Remembrance, which honors the memory of those murdered because of anti-transgender prejudice, is recognized annually on November 20. GLAAD encourages journalists to mark the occasion with stories about the pervasive problem of crimes against transgender people, as well as the diversity and resilience of the community in the face of harassment and violence.

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    Every year, the South Asian community comes together to celebrate Diwali, a massively popular worldwide event that has a rich complexity in belief and meaning. Also known as the “Festival of Lights,” it signals the New Year while for others, it represents a time for reflection and renewal.

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    On the morning of June 28, 1969, a group of patrons at the Stonewall Inn – a New York city bar that was a frequent target of police raids because it catered to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community – fought back against police brutality and harassment. Their uprising set in motion a wave of activism among LGBT people that put the issue of LGBT civil rights on the American political map. This resource kit will help journalists cover the 40th anniversary of this momentous event in the history LGBT rights.

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    GLAAD is encouraging journalists to include gay, bisexual and transgender fathers and their families, as well as straight dads that have LGBT children in media coverage of Father’s Day. This toolkit provides potential story ideas and suggestions on how make Father’s Day coverage more inclusive.

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    For many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students, the excitement of prom season may be overwhelmed by concerns that they may not feel welcome, or worse, might be actively excluded from prom. This toolkit will help journalists craft prom coverage that integrates the experiences of LGBT youth into stories.

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