The sixth annual GLAAD Network Responsibility Index (NRI) is an evaluation of the quantity and…
In a historic move, on May 9, President Barack Obama announced his support for full marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples. In an interview with Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts, President Obama stated that his decision to publically support marriage equality is rooted in his faith. In the days immediately following President Barack Obama’s statement in support of marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples, news media outlets scrambled to address the president’s use of religious language in explaining how his “evolution” concluded with him choosing to support marriage equality. What we found was stark, but unsurprising.
With President Barack Obama’s recent announcement of support for same-sex marriage, GLAAD today is urging…
Welcome to Where We Are On TV, GLAAD’s annual report about diversity on television. At…
The Talking About series was co-authored by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)…
A three-year study of mainstream news coverage about the intersection of religion and issues affecting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community1 showed that media outlets overwhelmingly quoted or interviewed sources from Evangelical Christian organizations to speak about LGBT lives, and the messages from those sources were significantly more negative than positive, resulting in a 'religion versus gay' framing.
GLAAD released a new survey conducted by Harris Interactive in the wake of the passage…
No one should be bullied or called names simply for being who they are. Still, millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth are made to feel like they don’t fit in every day; some even feel unsafe. Check out GLAAD’s Amplify Your Voice Resource Kit to find tips and information for educators, parents and youth.
GLAAD Amplifies Voices of LGBT Soldiers, Celebrates Repeal of DADTOur Spanish-Language Media team recently helped…
Katie Couric was among the millions of Americans who went purple on ‘Spirit Day’ in…
Answers to the most commonly asked questions about the so-called "Defense of Marriage Act," what it does, and what the legal challenges to it are.