Understanding Issues Facing Transgender Americans is an introduction to the many issues facing transgender Americans.
In late 2014, GLAAD commissioned Harris Poll to measure attitudes toward LGBT Americans.Download the Executive…
The Network Responsibility Index rates LGBT content on 15 networks during the 2013-2014 TV season that wrapped earlier this year.
Spirit Day was created to stand against bullying and to show support for LGBT youth. Whether you are in middle school, high school or college, here are some ways that you can get your friends, family, and community, involved in Spirit Day. Be a part of the change and go purple for Spirit Day!
Spirit Day was created to stand against bullying and to show support for LGBT youth. Whether you are a teacher in middle school, high school or college, or your children are in school, here are some ways that you can get your friends, family, and community, involved in Spirit Day. Be a part of the change and go purple for Spirit Day!
The GLAAD Studio Responsibility Index (SRI) maps the quantity, quality and diversity of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in films released by seven major motion picture studios during the 2013 calendar year. GLAAD researched films released by 20th Century Fox, Lionsgate, Paramount Pictures, Sony Columbia, Universal Pictures, The Walt Disney Studios and Warner Brothers. The report is intended to serve as a road map toward increasing fair, accurate and inclusive LGBT film representations.
The Where We Are on TV report analyzes the diversity of primetime scripted series regulars…
The Network Responsibility Index rates LGBT content on networks during the 2012-2013 TV season that wrapped earlier this year.
The first annual GLAAD Studio Responsibility Index (SRI) maps the quantity, quality and diversity of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in films released by six major motion picture studios during the 2012 calendar year. GLAAD researched films released by 20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures, Sony Columbia, Universal Pictures, The Walt Disney Studios and Warner Brothers. The report is intended to serve as a road map toward increasing fair, accurate and inclusive LGBT film representations.
Click here for spokespeople who can speak about ENDA What is ENDA? The Employment Non-Discrimination…
Agradecemos la cobertura de las personas gay o transgénero en los medios, y GLAAD le insta a todos los medios de comunicación a prestar mucha atención al lenguaje que se emplea a la hora de cubrir cualquier noticia que tenga que ver con la comunidad lésbica, gay, bisexual y transgénero (LGBT). Por favor no dude contactarnos con cualquier duda o pregunta.Nosotros en GLAAD estamos comprometidos a proveer los recursos necesarios a los medios para que la cobertura sobre nuestra comunidad sea justa, correcta y equitativa.
The creation of the Where We Are on TV report in 2005 allows GLAAD to track trends…
Mientras que la Corte Suprema de EE.UU. se prepara para intervenir en los casos que…
Below is a resource guide to assist media professionals covering marriage equality and the cases before the US Supreme Court
Resources and suggestions for developing LGBT-inclusive Black History Month features.
In recognition of Transgender Awareness Week and the Transgender Day of Remembrance, GLAAD has reviewed its archives of transgender-inclusive…
The following guidelines will help you ensure that the language used to describe transgender victims of violence is fair and respectful. These guidelines apply to all stories that involve the transgender community, but are especially important when the person has been a victim of violence;
On November 12 – 20, individuals and organizations around the county will participate in Transgender…
Why is GLAAD more relevant than ever?And how can our work lead to full equality…
Download the full report On a mobile device? View the full report here