Search Results: hiv (586)

[…] the law and federal protections for their health and livelihoods.” Promised to “work to make prescription drugs, including PrEP, accessible and affordable and support increased funding for HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment and research.” Urged expansion of voting rights protections, called for filibuster reform to pass voting rights, and criticized voter suppression bills. Voted […]

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[…] Black community. Black people initially received 13% of vaccinations, which would appear to be proporitionate to the population. However, when you consider the comparable response to the  HIV epidemic and access to critical care, intervention, and prevention, it is clear that generic approaches do not work, and communities of color will suffer under them.     […]

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[…] Figures: William Dorsey Swann Alain Leroy Locke Lucy Hicks Anderson Bessie Smith Gladys Bentley Bayard Rustin Marsha P. Johnson Dr. Danny Scarborough Marlon Riggs Sylvester Black LGBTQ+ HIV/AIDS Awareness Activists Tori Cooper Dr. Ron Simmons Gina Brown Gracie Cartier Trinity K. Bonet Jericho Brown Black LGBTQ+ Entrepreneurs Telfar Clemens Brandon Blackwood Chris Witherspoon Kylo […]

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[…] Across the course of the mpox outbreak, it was also found that 40% of cases in the United States were diagnosed in people who were living with HIV. There is clearly a need to tailor health response to consider the unique circumstances of vulnerable popultaions. Black and Brown people are most likely to not […]

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