Search Results: be an ally (879)

by Brian Pacheco, Associate Director of Communications, Media Awards “Ekatom be”: A Rare Look into Nicaragua’s LGBT Community “Multi-ethnic and Pluricultural Nicaraguan Choreography, Present at ‘Happiness for Life’ Carnaval 2011” Every year, Nicaraguan-American accountant Anthony Alcalde, who was born and raised in New Jersey, travels to Nicaragua where he spends months at a time […]

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A few weeks back, I wrote about Evangelicals for Trump, one of the coalitions that the Trump campaign has assembled to bolster their 2020 efforts. As might be expected for an assembly of evangelical conservatives, that one is an extremely anti-LGBTQ group, with a near-unanimous track record of hostility. Equally expected is their support for […]

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You’d be forgiven if you assumed this was one of the many parody accounts that troll Trump on Twitter: @RealDonaldTrump It is, however, real. The President tweeted the above on Friday, just days before his visit to India. GLAAD tweeted back to him here. On one hand, it tracks. This is someone who always seems more […]

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She hasn’t even been asked to shoot a same-sex wedding, but Kentucky photographer Chelsey Nelson is in court trying to stop the possibility that she someday might be. Partnering with the viciously anti-LGBTQ attorneys at the Alliance Defending Freedom, Ms. Nelson is filing what is known as a “pre-enforcement challenge,” a legal tactic that […]

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