Search Results: transgender (1771)

Crime stories that involve lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people invariably pique media curiosity. However too often they also garner sensationalistic coverage that focuses on lurid speculation and sexual innuendo. When a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender person stands accused of a crime, please treat him or her as you would treat any other […]

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[…] LGBTQ characters and stories highlighting the full community, and including LGBTQ characters living at the intersection of multiple identities. More LGBTQ people of color, characters with disabilities, transgender and non-binary characters, those of different religions and faiths, body types, more queer women, characters who are asexual, and others will only fuel Hollywood’s future success. […]

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[…] deal of media attention. Print and electronic press outlets nationwide share stories of couples proclaiming their love and commitment for one another. However, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) couples are often excluded from Valentine’s Day media coverage—and LGBT couples of color receive even less attention in both mainstream and people of color media. […]

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[…] Libros, películas y más que cuentan historias de vida de personas transgénero Latinx y/o en Español In honor of Trans Awareness Week: Books, movies, and more that tell transgender Latinx/Spanish-Language stories Cada año entre noviembre 13 – 19, personas y organizaciones en toda la nación participan en Transgender Awareness Week para aumentar la visibilidad de […]

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Transgender Awareness Week is a week when transgender people and their allies take action to bring attention to the trans community by educating the public about who transgender people are, sharing stories and experiences, and advancing advocacy around issues of prejudice, discrimination, and violence that affect the transgender community. In the early pandemic […]

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[…] I have been documenting violence against the trans community by writing memorial posts on my blog, Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents. While my work overlaps with the work of Transgender Day of Remembrance volunteers, I am specifically using a calendar year and focusing on victims of fatal violence. Transgender Day of Remembrance, or TDOR, is today, […]

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