Search Results: transgender (1789)

[…] on talk of the nation Name: Amélie Koran  Location: Washington, D.C “I AM one of those people you find it fit to exclude from scouting, as I am an  transgender woman. I AM living my life with integrity and honesty. I wished you would allow others to as well, and stop your bigotry and exclusionary practices.” Name: […]

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[…] He leads a staff of media professionals in both Los Angeles and New York City in GLAAD’s Entertainment Media and Spanish-Language departments, as well as the organization’s transgender, sports, Southern, international, and youth initiatives. A veteran of the fights to repeal ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ and overturn the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) […]

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[…] Former Soviet Union. They are based in New York. United States-based LGBT organizations, advocates Sarah Kate Ellis is the President of GLAAD, the nation’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) media advocacy organization. GLAAD has been working with LGBT leaders in Russia for several months. GLAAD has been one of the leading voices commenting on […]

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[…] of the 102 releases GLAAD counted from the major studios in 2013, 17 of them (16.7%) contained characters or impressions identified as either lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. In most cases, these characters received only minutes – or even seconds – of screen time, and were often offensive portrayals. This was a depressing realization, […]

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[…] reach in the future. To pass the Vito Russo Test, the following must be true: The film contains a character that is identifiably lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender. That character must not be solely or predominantly defined by their sexual orientation or gender identity. I.E. they are made up of the same sort of […]

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[…] discomfort with attending a same-sex couple’s wedding. It jumped to 50% discomfort when bringing a child to the same wedding. Levels of discomfort concerning issues related to transgender people were highest, both in the South and with the general U.S. population. Nondiscrimination: There are no statewide protections for employees on the basis of sexual […]

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[…] believe in traditional or biblical sexual morality,” as explained in an essay penned in Public Discourse. The Act, however, does not include any changes to the religious freedoms already protected by the First Amendment.   Resources for journalists GLAAD’s Media Reference Guide GLAAD’s Commentator Accountability Project National Center for Transgender Equality   Return to

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[…] have addressed all rights-based concerns.  Note that all countries, including the United States, still have high levels of community violence and exclusion for LGBT people and that transgender and intersex communities receive relatively little support or services globally.    Resources for Journalists The State Department’s annual human rights reports, which include a section on […]

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