Search Results: be an ally (881)

The two states hosting an election for governor this November featured debates between the major party candidates tonight and included questions on LGBTQ materials in schools and how to protect transgender students. Both Republican candidates raised concerns about “sexually explicit” LGBTQ content in schools. In Newark, New Jersey, incumbent Governor Phil Murphy and former […]

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[…] the GLAAD Media Institute alumni who won races all over the country.  Some alumni attended a GLAAD Media Institute course, while others received training and consultation as a partnership between GLAAD and the Victory Institute, who supports LGBTQ candidates, elected and appointed officials. GLAAD has often presented at the Victory Institute International LGBTQ Leaders Conference, where […]

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[…] Levesque — all of whom identify as cisgender gay men — spoke with GLAAD about this recognition, their mission in these embattled times, where the Blade has been and where each site and weekly newspaper will be taking readers in the difficult days ahead.  Troy Masters, publisher and founder of the Los Angeles Blade, at […]

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The media are covering the lives, stories, and issues of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people more frequently, and often in a more fair, accurate, and balanced manner. Repeatedly, however, black LGBT voices, perspectives, and opinions are left out of the picture.

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[…] Atlanta. The trainings, in anticipation of forthcoming decisions regarding the freedom to marry, are designed to develop a strong base of effective spokespersons. 1997 GLAAD coordinates meeting between actor/filmmaker Mel Gibson and nine up-and-coming lesbian and gay filmmakers. After a six-month, GLAAD-led “Let Ellen Out” campaign, ABC announces that the title character on Ellen […]

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[…] Gabriel Silverman, Co-Director Fiona Dawson, and Producer Jamie Coughlin previously created the popular Emmy®-nominated 2015 New York Times Op-Doc “Transgender, at War and in Love.” “The TransMilitary team is thrilled to be premiering at SXSW 2018. We thank all of our supporters who have been by our side for the last several years,” said Dawson. “At a time […]

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[…] the name Columbia Pictures in 1924. Thanks to its association with Frank Capra in the 1920s, the studio gradually rose in prominence and over the subsequent decades became home to stars such as Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell, and Rita Hayworth. Following a brief period of ownership by The Coca-Cola Company and the spinning off […]

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