News & Rapid Response
Working with journalists and news outlets in print, broadcast, and online, our team serves as a resource to newsmakers and works to ensure that the news media is accurately and fairly representing LGBTQ people in its reporting.
Several #GLAADInstitute alumni have some fantastic suggestions for how to make sure you are taking care of yourself and your emotions, even in quarantine.
“Franklin Graham’s call for people to ‘unite and work together’ would be much better received if not for his track record of publicly and vocally vilifying LGBTQ people and other marginalized groups.”
I don’t want to worry about Franklin Graham during the COVID-19 pandemic, but now I need to
The Samaritan’s Purse field hospital in New York City provides much-needed beds. However, CEO Franklin Graham is an attack dog that hasn’t passed up an opportunity to demonize LGBTQ people. Graham is requiring all healthcare providers in his field hospital to adhere to a statement of faith, in which marriage is defined as “exclusively the union of one genetic male and one genetic female” and the unrighteous are sentenced to “everlasting punishment in hell.”
This year for Transgender Day of Visibility, GLAAD and Instagram partner to highlight trans peoples’ lives and experiences of love.
Staying home is a great time to refresh your media advocacy skills. The #GLAADInstitute team has got you covered.
During uncertain times, It is vital to stay up-to-date with the facts, and GLAAD Media Institute Alumni are staying on top of the Coronavirus crisis to help make sure the correct information out there.
Transgender Day of Visibility
Each year on March 31, the world observes Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) to raise awareness about transgender people.
GLAAD joined up with The Fellowship for Affirming Ministries to call attention to continued violence againt LGBTQ people in Uganda, and call on the Trump administration to live up to its loud promises to protect LGBTQ people and people of faith.
[Anti-LGBTQ] Veterans for Trump
First I showed you Evangelicals For Trump, a predictably anti-LGBTQ coalition that the Trump campaign…