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    The State of LGTBQ Inclusion in Video Games

    GLAAD Gaming: The State of LGBTQ Inclusion in Video Games is a 2024 research report that assesses the landscape of LGBTQ representation within video games and the gaming community. The findings reveal that while a substantial portion of gamers identify as LGBTQ, the games themselves do not adequately reflect this reality. The report also examines the purchasing and playing habits of gamers in relation to LGBTQ representation, demonstrating that inclusion is a net positive for the bottom line. Finally, we highlight how video games can be a positive force for LGBTQ gamers, particularly those who experience a lack of acceptance in their everyday lives. The GLAAD Gaming report seeks to educate the gaming industry on the overall state of LGBTQ representation, present a data-driven business case for LGBTQ inclusion, and provide a roadmap for a healthier gaming community through increased visibility and acceptance.

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