Challenge stereotypes, showcase diversity and celebrate the enduring spirit of women-loving women around the world—with those goals in mind DIVA Media Group launched the first ever Lesbian Visibility Week April 20-26.
The UK-based publishers of DIVA magazine created a week of digital events, including panel sessions and seminars. GLAAD is a proud supporter, along with companies like GlaxoSmithKline, P&G and Kantar.
“Growing up, it was so rare for me to see lesbian women who were successful, accepted, and living out and proud,” said GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis. “Today, visibility of lesbian women, both transgender and cisgender, still remains strikingly low. During this time of global strife and uncertainty, it’s so important to celebrate the beautiful diversity of the LGBTQ community, and to applaud all lesbian women who inspire young women to be proud of themselves and rise up together as women.”
A new marketing campaign, #ThisIsMe, accompanies the launch, which features the Visible Lesbian 100 List celebrating lesbians nominated by the public and published in DIVA magazine. Among the leaders in the Visible Lesbian 100 List are GLAAD’s board chair Pamela Stewart and GLAAD President Sarah Kate Ellis.
The week launched with a release of the findings of a study of 1423 LGBTQI women who were asked about their experiences coming out, in LGBTQI spaces, and with gender identity, the workplace and safety.
“I am delighted that DIVA Media Group has launched the inaugural Lesbian Visibility Week,” said Linda Riley, publisher of DIVA Magazine. “I hope that this week becomes an integral part of the LGBTQI calendar going forward as it is so important that lesbians remain a visible part of the LGBTQI community and receive the recognition and celebration we deserve.”
GLAAD’s Darra Gordon and Monica Trasandes are thrilled to be among the many women contributing short video messages as part of the week’s events. You can also be part of the campaign by choosing three words that describe you and sharing it on social media with the hashtags #ThisIsMe and #LesbianVisibilityWeek.
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