—Actively fought against the legalization of same-sex marriage as Florida’s Attorney General, arguing that allowing same-sex marriage would cause “serious public harm.” She sought to uphold Florida’s ban on marriage equality until it was ultimately overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2015. Prior to legal marriage equality same-sex couples could not access the legal benefits that come with marriage, including spousal rights in healthcare decisions, inheritance without a will, and tax benefits associated with marriage, and many states, including Florida, had laws that explicitly prohibited same-sex couples from adopting children or made it significantly more difficult for them to do so.
—Requested that the Florida Supreme Court overrule a lower court decision that found the state’s same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional.
—Said she would “vigorously defend Florida’s law banning gay adoption in our state.”
—Following the 2016 Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting, Bondi said, “Anyone who attacks our LGBT community, anyone who attacks anyone in our state, will be gone after with the full extent of the law.”
—Voiced support for employment protections for LGBTQ workers.
—Wrote in a court filing that recognition of out-of-state same-sex marriages would “impose significant public harm” on her state of Florida.
—Repeatedly stated her opposition to adoption by same-sex couples and her support for Florida’s now-defunct adoption ban.
—Engaged in prolonged battle against marriage equality in Florida, costing taxpayers almost half a million dollars.
—Fought a lesbian couple trying to obtain a divorce.