GLAAD Accountability Project
The GLAAD Accountability Project monitors and documents individual public figures and groups using their platforms to spread misinformation and false rhetoric against LGBTQ people, youth, and allies. Some groups have misleading names inferring unwarranted expertise or credibility, when their main focus is advocating against LGBTQ people, and some claiming to be grassroots efforts have ties to national organizations with long histories opposing LGBTQ Americans.
Choose from the complete list of GLAAD Accountability Profiles:
Recently updated profiles:
Glenn Stanton
—Wrote of trans activism: “Much of the folly comes down to this. When you stray…
Bob Vander Plaats
—Insists the Supreme Court’s marriage ruling will lead to polygamy and pedophilia, and that transgender…
Don Wildmon
—From Don Wildmon’s “Principles Which Guide the AFA’s Opposition to the Homosexual Agenda”: “I never…
Tim Wildmon
—Insisted: “Homosexuality is not something the president should celebrate. It’s unnatural, unhealthy and immoral behavior.”…
Rick Scarborough
—Insisted House law protecting LGBTQ people was “better called the Mayor’s Predator Protection Act.” —Said…
Pat Robertson
—After tragic shooting at Orlando gay club, said “the best thing to do is to…
Linda Harvey
—Wrote that “Men who dress as women” are attuned to “dark spirits” and that ‘drag’…
Thomas Peters
—Insisted that Jesus calls for gay people’s “conversion.”—A supporter of so-called “ex-gay” therapy, Peters has…
Randy Thomasson
—Founder of, a site that parents to remove their kids from public schools if…
Bradlee Dean
—Issued this message to Pete Buttigieg and “the homosexual lobby”: “Sodomy is an abominable choice…
Mike Heath
—Attempted to criminalize homosexuality: “There is conduct that ought to be punished…. And Christianity teaches,…
Patrick Wooden
—Attacked Vice President Kamala Harris in a sermon for officiating a 2013 same-sex wedding when…