—Represented client Chloe Cole, a prominent anti-trans detransitioner, in a lawsuit against Kaiser Permanente
—Supported numerous lawsuits aimed at overturning protections for transgender individuals in states including California and Colorado.
—Her organization, the Center for American Liberty, focuses on legal challenges against policies that affirm transgender rights, including “a lawsuit challenging a Colorado school’s use of a transgender student’s preferred name; a case against a California school district seeking to implement policies that would forcibly out transgender students; and a lawsuit against Vermont for denying a foster care license to a family unwilling to comply with nondiscrimination policies regarding transgender youth,” according to TruthOut.
—Claimed Maine’s designation as a refuge for trans people fleeing anti-trans crackdowns in red states would be unconstitutional.
—Praised anti-LGBTQ extremist social media account Libs of TikTok, and supported their false and defamatory claims that trans-supportive parents “groomed” their children.
—Said, without basis, that “Title IX was passed by Congress to protect women’s rights—not the rights of men pretending to be women.” In fact, transgender women are women, and some play sports.
—Criticized efforts to support transgender youth, labeling them as “predatory.” Every major medical association and leading world health authority supports health care for transgender people and youth.