Browsing: Transgender

News that impacts the transgender community, from transphobic news coverage to positive and uplifting personal stories

The Leaky Cauldron and MuggleNet, two well-established Harry Potter fan communities, issued a statement denouncing the Harry Potter author for her harmful and disproven statements about transgender people.

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“They are hunting us and they are killing us,” Pedro Julio Serrano told media at a press conference this week to denounce anti-LGBTQ violence in Puerto Rico. At least ten people have been killed in 15 months on the U.S. Territory, said Serrano who is Executive Director of Puerto Rico Para Tod@s and a spokesperson for the Broad Committee for the Search of Equity, or CABE in Spanish.

The recent and shocking deaths of two transgender women, Serena Angelique Velázquez Ramos and Layla Peláez Sánchez, who were burned to death in a car, led to the most recent call to action, which GLAAD and a number of other national organizations joined. Two suspects were arrested in connection to the deaths of Velázquez Ramos and Peláez Sánchez, both of whom reportedly lived in New York and were visiting Puerto Rico.

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