Browsing: Global

GLAAD’s global advocacy and the international LGBT movement.

While the world comes together to fight COVID-19, Singapore decided to further ostracize its LGBTQ citizens, many of whom are already at risk from the virus. Singapore’s high court has dismissed the cases of three men challenging Section 377A of the country’s penal code, which criminalizes LGBTQ people. 

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Stonewall 50: A Journalist’s Guide to Reporting on the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall and the Legacy of Pride seeks to inform journalists about the history of the Stonewall Uprising and its impact on the LGBTQ movement into the modern day. The guidebook covers several topics: story ideas when covering Stonewall 50, a history of the Stonewall Inn, an overview of significant events in the modern LGBTQ movement, and a focused discussion on the issues the LGBTQ movement faces today– both in the USA and around the world.

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