The brutal onslaught of anti-LGBTQ legislation, especially bills targeting the trans community, is worse than ever before, with over 600 anti-LGBTQ bills introduced into state legislatures across the country so far in 2024.
Lawmakers and governors in several states have already passed and signed anti-LGBTQ bills into law. Each day a new bill is introduced, this country becomes more and more dangerous for LGBTQ people, especially trans people.
It's easy to feel helpless and hopeless as legislators seek to impose restrictions and bans on our rights. But the truth is, we have the power. A supermajority of Americans support nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people. It's time to remind our representatives that they should be acting on behalf of the wants and needs of their constituents.
Your voice matters. GLAAD's research shows that the more people who know an LGBTQ person personally, the more support there is for our protections. Let's make sure our lawmakers hear from us and know where we stand. Sign this form to email your legislators right now to express your opposition to blanket bans on our community's freedoms.