Media exposure is critically important to changing hearts and minds.
Less Than 30% of Non-LGBTQ Americans Personally Know Many Members of Our Community
% Non-LGBTQ who personally know someone in our community
Fewer Non-LGBTQ Adults Are Seeing Our Community in Media
% Non-LGBTQ exposed to media
Media portrayals play a big role in non-LGBTQ American’s perception and comfortability with our community, especially if you don’t personally know someone LGBTQ
Exposed to in ads
Arrow indicates 95% stat sig yoy
Exposed to in TV/Movies
Arrow indicates 95% stat sig yoy
Personal Experiences and Portrayals in Entertainment Media have had the Greatest Positive Influences on Attitudes towards Trans People. Social Media and News Coverage have the Most Negative Influence.
Exposure to LGBTQ People in Media Grows Familiarity with Us by Up to +50%
% change in familiarity among non-LGBTQ people based on media exposure vs. no media exposure
Media Exposure is also Associated with Higher Levels of Comfortability with Our Community
% change in comfortability based on media exposure vs. no media exposure
And People who have Seen Us in Media Think More Favorably of Brands that also Include Us
% change in agreement with the below statements based on media exposure vs. no media exposure
The GLAAD MEDIA INSTITUTE provides training, consultation, and research to develop an army of social justice ambassadors for all marginalized communities to champion acceptance and amplify media impact.
Your gift allows us to track the impact of our work, helping us better understand the state of acceptance and address the gaps with advocacy — like pushing for more LGBTQ-user protections on social media.
GLAAD is encouraging journalists to include LGBT families in their coverage of Mother’s Day. This toolkit provides potential story ideas and suggestions on how to make coverage of Mother’s Day more inclusive.
Chanukah, Christmas, Eid al-Adha, Kwanzaa, New Year's, Muharram, the Lunar New Year and other seasonal celebrations will soon set the stage for countless news and feature stories in mainstream and ethnic print and electronic media.
The film is a moving account of a family with two moms, a son and a daughter. When the children make contact with their donor, the dynamics of the family are challenged.