GLAAD’s Anti-LGBTQ Extremism Reporting Tracker
Disclaimer: Readers should be aware that the following report contains details of hate speech and violence targeting LGBTQ people. Please skip to the final report section “Combating Anti-LGBTQ Hate” if you wish to avoid that content.
On June 1, 2022, GLAAD’s ALERT Desk began tracking incidents of hate and harassment targeting the LGBTQ community in the US. Incidents include both criminal and non-criminal acts of harassment, threats, vandalism, and assault motivated by anti-LGBTQ hate and extremism.
As of October 2024, the ALERT Desk tracked over 1,850 anti-LGBTQ incidents in all 50 US states and the District of Columbia, including 450+ protests, 330+ propaganda drops, 320+ acts of vandalism, 200+ bomb & mass shooting threats, 130+ assaults, and 45+ cases of arson. Tragically, these incidents have resulted in at least 161 injuries and 21 deaths.
The FBI recently announced that violent crime is down 3%, while hate crimes against LGBTQ people increased nearly 18% in 2023. The ALERT Desk measures, analyzes, and details specifics about hate-fueled incidents targeting LGBTQ Americans and their allies.
Key Findings:
- Since June 1, 2022, the ALERT Desk tracked over 1,850 anti-LGBTQ incidents in all 50 US states and the District of Columbia.
- Incidents include 450+ protests, 330+ propaganda drops, 320+ acts of vandalism, 200+ bomb & mass shooting threats, 130+ assaults, and 45+ cases of arson, resulting in 161 injuries and 21 deaths.
- The ALERT Desk tracks year-over-year trends in anti-LGBTQ incidents from Pride Month to Pride Month. From June 2022 – 2023, we documented 524 incidents. From June 2023 – 2024, we tracked 1,109 incidents – a 112% increase in anti-LGBTQ hate.
- Hate targeting transgender and gender non-conforming people motivated over 30% of all anti-LGBTQ incidents since June 2022 (567 out of 1,850).
- The ALERT Desk also tracked 140+ incidents targeting health care providers of transgender and gender non-conforming patients since June 2022. This coincides with 26 states having passed bans on this life-saving care.
- Building on GLAAD’s anti-drag tracker, the ALERT Desk documented 365+ anti-drag incidents since June 2022.
- The ALERT Desk noted 360+ incidents targeting students, educators, and librarians at all levels of learning since June 2022, occurring alongside thousands of attempted book bans nationwide targeting LGBTQ-inclusive and other diverse books.
- Finally, the ALERT Desk tracked 325+ incidents targeting Pride flags and other symbols of the LGBTQ community since June 2022.
- GLAAD is also launching an incident reporting form to better track anti-LGBTQ hate nationally.
The inaugural report also includes the voices and experiences of those who have endured anti-LGBTQ incidents, with many targeted because of their sexual orientation and gender identity or their support for LGBTQ people and advocacy in their communities, such as health care providers, educators and librarians, drag artists, community organizers, and other allies.
As we dig deeper into the incidents tracked by the ALERT Desk, it’s clear that certain people and places are more frequently targeted by anti-LGBTQ hate than others. Transgender and gender-non conforming people, alongside outspoken supporters of the LGBTQ community like health care providers, drag show organizers, and inclusive and affirming neighbors and educators, are among those hit the hardest by rampant anti-LGBTQ hate and extremism. In the report, the ALERT Desk dives deeper into these trends to better understand how to protect and uplift the most vulnerable among us.
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About the ALERT Desk
In response to the dramatic rise in anti-LGBTQ hate, GLAAD has launched its Anti-LGBTQ Extremism Reporting Tracker (ALERT). The ALERT Desk serves as a central hub for resources and original reporting on hate and extremism impacting LGBTQ people in the US, tracking anti-LGBTQ incidents nationwide. These incidents include both criminal and non-criminal expressions of hate – from protests at drag shows, to sprees of vandalism targeting Pride flags, to bomb threats against health care providers of transgender patients. Through careful analysis of this data, the ALERT Desk provides in-depth information to keep our community aware and safe, as well as resources for key stakeholders fighting against anti-LGBTQ hate at the local, state, and federal levels.
Learn more about the ALERT Desk and access the most recent data at
Press Release: