sponsorship opportunities

Go purple. Support LGBTQ youth. Take a stand against bullying!

#SpiritDay is the world’s most visible anti-bullying campaign in spiring LGBTQ youth, especially transgender and nonbinary youth to live their lives in their truth and authenticity. Since its inception in 2010, GLAAD has organized thousands of celebrities, influential voices, news & media outlets, tv & film studios, brands & corporations, landmarks, sports leagues, tech leaders, influencers, faith groups and so many more to go purple and support LGBTQ youth by creating clear possibility models for them to thrive and be represented in the world we live and do business in.

2022 highlights

  • 1.9 BILLION impressions across social media
  • 64K+ unique posts using #SpiritDay
  • TOP TRENDING TOPIC across all social platforms
  • 87M viewers reached across broadcast (2022)
  • 1.1B readers reached across digital (2022)
  • Participation by all major TV and film studios
  • Coverage by all national major news networks and outlets

2023 campaign goals

  • Go purple in support of LGBTQ youth.
  • Empower allies and consumers to take a stand against bullying.
  • Galvanize a powerful national narrative of acceptance and possibility models for LGBTQ youth.
  • Provide resources for students, parents, educators and business leaders to create environments of love & kindness for LGBTQ youth.
  • Support the launch and release of a first-of-its-kind Spirit Day Youth Index report.
  • Generate 2+ billion media impressions
    Raise $750,000 for Spirit Day campaign

Event Details

Campaign Launch:

Spirit Day:
Thursday, October 17, 2024

Spirit Day hub:

Download the 2023 Spirit Day Sponsor Opportunities Brochure
Click to Download the 2023 Spirit Day Sponsor Opportunities Brochure

For more information, contact GLAAD’s Strategic Partnerships team at partnerships@glaad.org.

partnership opportunities


  • Category exclusivity (within product or service category) at Presenting Sponsor level
  • Naming rights and recognition as “‘Brand’ Presenting Sponsor of Spirit Day 2023”
  • Designated GLAAD Presents #SpiritDay activation team member
  • Brand logo inclusion on select GLAAD Presents #SpiritDay logo lock-ups
  • Use of GLAAD Presents #SpiritDay logo and creative assets
  • Dedicated printed collateral of select GLAAD Spirit Day 2023 resources for company use (max 100)
  • Brand logo inclusion on all GLAAD Spirit Day 2023 resources, including:
  • #SpiritDay Participation Packet
  • “Go Purple for #SpiritDay!” Participant Outreach Letter
  • #SpiritDay Wrap Report


  • Opportunity to meet with GLAAD Communications team who can advise on press strategy/outreach (Pending review of brand Spirit Day campaign and/or programming)
  • Quote from GLAAD senior leadership applauding brand’s participation in Spirit Day
  • Brand mention in all GLAAD Spirit Day 2023 press releases
  • Prominent brand logo display on Spirit Day landing page (glaad.org/spiritday)
  • Prominent brand logo display within all Spirit Day email blasts to GLAAD supporters
  • Brand mention and logo inclusion in Spirit Day highlights recap on glaad.org


  • Choice of two (2) of the below dedicated social media posts from @GLAAD:
    • A Facebook post from GLAAD promoting sponsorship of #SpiritDay
    • A Twitter/X or Threads post from GLAAD promoting sponsorship of #SpiritDay
    • An Instagram post from GLAAD promoting sponsorship of #SpiritDay



  • Naming rights: “‘Brand’ Official Sponsor of Spirit Day 2023”
  • Use of GLAAD Presents #SpiritDay logo and creative assets
  • Dedicated GLAAD Presents #SpiritDay activation team member
  • Dedicated print-outs of select GLAAD Spirit Day 2023 resources for company use (max 100)
  • Brand logo inclusion on all GLAAD Spirit Day2023 resources, including:
  • #SpiritDay Participation Packet
  • “Go Purple for #SpiritDay!” Outreach Letter
  • #SpiritDay Wrap Report


  • Brand mention in all GLAAD Spirit Day 2023 press releases
  • Brand logo inclusion within two (2) Spirit Dayemail blasts to GLAAD supporters
    • *Email inclusion and date at GLAAD’s discretion
  • Brand logo present on Spirit Day landing page (glaad.org/spiritday)
  • Brand mention and logo inclusion in Spirit Day highlights recap on glaad.org


  • Choice of one (1) dedicated social media postfrom GLAAD promoting sponsorship of#SpiritDay on mutually agreed upon platform


  • Naming rights: “‘Brand’ Community Sponsor of Spirit Day 2023”
  • Use of GLAAD Presents #SpiritDay logo and creative assets
  • Brand logo inclusion on all GLAAD Spirit Day 2023 resources, including:
  • #SpiritDay Participation Packet
  • “Go Purple for #SpiritDay!” Outreach Letter
  • #SpiritDay Wrap Report


  • Brand mention in select GLAAD Spirit Day 2023 press releases
  • Brand logo inclusion within one (1) Spirit Day email blast to GLAAD supporters
    • *Email inclusion and date at GLAAD’s discretion
  • Brand logo present on Spirit Day landing page (glaad.org/spiritday)
  • Brand mention and logo inclusion in Spirit Day highlights recap on glaad.org


  • Amplification of one (1) social media post from brand by GLAAD promoting sponsorship of#SpiritDay (example: Twitter/X or Threads repost or Instagram story share)

meet our 2023 sponsors

For more information, contact GLAAD’s Strategic Partnerships team at partnerships@glaad.org.

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